JOBST® Zinc Bandages

When to Use JOBST Zinc Bandages

JOBST zinc bandages are used for the treatment of various venous and orthopedic conditions. They are indicated for the management of venous leg ulcers, venous edema, or thrombotic conditions (such as thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis). They can also be applied to ligament injuries, such as distortions, contusions, luxations—as well as for edema management following trauma or for tendon inflammations (tendovaginitis).


Benefits of JOBST Zinc Bandages

JOBST zinc bandages are ready-to-use gauze bandages impregnated with zinc oxide. They conform to every anatomic shape. JOBST zinc bandages provide a cooling effect and securely stay in place, making them comfortable to wear. They are gentle to the skin and can stay applied for up to 7 days.

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